Welcome to my blog!

I mostly blog about the murals and other artwork I've done, plan to do, or in the process of doing. The most important person in my life is Jesus--my Savior---so if you choose to read my blog, anticipate reading about Him too! My husband, daughters and grandsons are also at the top of my "favorite people" list, so it's hard to blog about anything without including them. Thank you for visiting my blog. I pray blessings on you, in Jesus' name!

About me

Hello! My name is Merna Uccello. I have very limited experience with blogging. Is this something like journaling? Well, I've journaled before, but never shared it with the entire cyberspace world! So, this feels weird. It's like opening a door to a very dark hall and saying, "Is anyone there? Is anyone listening?" LOL

I've been painting murals, trompe l'oeil, faux finishes and other decorative art since 1999.   It's hard to call Red Coat Designs a business. Painting is a gift from God. Calling it a business feels as silly as calling one of my daughters a business. I did not ask for this gift; He chose to give me this gift. I am honored and humbled that He thought enough of me to give me this gift, and blessed that I can use it to earn a living. Should the day come when I can no longer earn a living painting, I will still paint. I will paint to honor Him.  I will paint for the sheer joy of exercising this talent He has placed within me.

I was born in Houma, Louisiana and raised in the little bayou community of Dulac. My daddy was a shrimper, a seaman and a carpenter, depending on what paid best to raise his six daughters. Mama was a housewife. Neither went to high school. They married when Daddy was 18 and Mama 16. They made sure we all finished high school, and most of us went to college. Although I knew from the time I could hold a crayon God had given me the ability to be an artist, nobody back then directed me toward a vocation in art. For the most part, if you were female and fortunate enough to go to college at that time in south Louisiana, you either became a teacher or a nurse. I became a nurse.

I was a nurse for 26 years. For the first 13 years, I did  hospital and home health nursing. Then I got into the business end of medicine, becoming a medical case manager for an insurance-related company. I did pretty well with this company. In less than two years, I was promoted to management. In ten years, I became an officer of the company. I was Assistant Vice President of Health and Rehabilitation Services of an international company---and I was miserable.

I did a lot of crying, and a lot of praying. Call me a kook if you'd like, but God spoke to me in a dream and gave me the courage to walk away from the biggest paying job I ever hoped to have. I walked away at a time my husband had gone back to school and earning a whole lot less than he had in years. I had two daughters in college and one about to start college. We didn't have a whole lot in savings. Any reasonable person would have waited for a better time to quit work, but God had filled me with the kind of walk-on-water faith that I knew could only come from Him. I took a leap of faith knowing, that even if I sunk, He was still God--I was still His child--and He'd pull me out of the water and do CPR if necessary.

I was 47 years old when he led me to change careers.  I had no contacts in the business. I didn't know what to charge. I didn't have a clue who my competitors were. My cousin, Adella, gave me my first paying job. I painted her baby's nursery. She paid me $200 in travelers checks, and I gave the entire amount to my church. It was my "First Fruit offering".
The first mural I ever painted and got PAID for!

My business grew steadily.  I have painted for almost 400 clients; most were repeat clients.  We were living near Atlanta, GA when I started Red Coat Designs.  In August of 2009, Paul and I moved back to Louisiana.  Although I've gone back to Georgia to paint some, the majority of my time has been spent on renovating a house next to the bayou.  I've not made much effort to start my business in Louisiana, or keep it going in Georgia.  The renovation keeps me about as busy as I can stand.  So, I don't know if God is winding the business down and I am starting a new season in my life, or if He's gonna let me get this renovation done and re-boot Red Coat Designs.  All I know is, right now, I have a desire to write and it seemed like this was as good a place to start to tell about all the wonderful things He has done for me.

I will be posting pictures of my work.  In the meantime, you can see stuff I've done at http://community.webshots.com/user/pgucce.

So, if anyone is out there---Hello!

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